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Research & Distribution 



My research portfolio speaks to the following three major pillars, (1) social justice in emergency management, (2) assessing the extent hazards widen inequalities, and (3) disaster recovery for schooling communities. It is through my scholarship and teaching, where I can address these categories.


The following image represents my active and most significant research projects: 


Peer Reviewed Articles:


Davis, C.R., Johnson, E., Goldin, S., Griffard, M.R. (forthcoming). Building trust between community members and government agencies through a disaster. Journal of Emergency Management. 


Griffard, M.R., Long, R., & Davis, C.R. (forthcoming). First-generation College Students’ health, well-being, academic engagement, and sense of self during the COVID-19 global pandemic. In Editor & X.X. Editor (Eds.), Research on college stress and coping: Implications from the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond (pp.79-108). Information Age Publishing.


Duffy, E.W., Ng, S.W., Bercholz, M., Davis, C.R., De Marco, M., Hall, M.G., Maselko, J., & Taillie, L.S. (2024). Association between an increase in the WIC fruit and vegetable benefit and WIC participant food purchases: A Quasi-experimental study. AJPM.


Soto-Diaz, C.R., Taillie, L.S., Higgins, I.C.A., Richter, A.P., Davis, C.R., De Marco, M., Hall, M.G., Ng, S.W., & Duffy, E.W. (2024). A qualitative exploration of Spanish-speaking Latina experiences participating in WIC before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


Duffy, E.W., Ng, S.W., Bercholz, M., Davis, C.R., De Marco, M., Hall, M.G., Maselko, J., & Taillie, L.S. (2024). Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children (WIC) participant grocery store purchases during the COVID-19 pandemic in North Carolina: Current Developments in Nutrition.


Overstreet, S., & Davis, C. R. (2023). Best practices in preparing and responding to natural disasters using a social justice lens. In P. L. Harrison, S. L. Proctor, & A. Thomas (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology (7th ed.). National Association of School Psychologists.


Davis, C.R. (2023). The destructive long-term impact of natural disasters on Black and Brown schooling communities. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.


Duffy, E.W., Vest, D.A., Davis, C.R., Hall, M.G., De Marco, M., Shu Wen Ng. S.W., Taillie, L.S. (2022). “I think that’s the most beneficial change that WIC has made in a really long time”: Perceptions and awareness of an increase in the WIC cash value benefit: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.   


Cannon, C., Davis, C.R., & Long, R. (2022). Educators’ first line of defense against mental health disruptions following a natural hazard: Educational Policy.*  


Davis, C.R., Cannon, C., & Fuller, S.C. (2022). The disruptive effects of hurricanes on school operations and reopening. Natural Hazards Review, 23(3), 1-11.


Davis, C.R., Baker, C.N., Osborn, J., Overstreet, S., & the New Orleans Trauma-Informed Schools Learning Collaborative. (2022). Understanding teacher self-efficacy to address students’ social-emotional needs in the COVID-19 pandemic. Urban Education. 


Davis, C.R., Griffard, M.R., Burton, A., Kaneria, K., Sabin, G., Weinberg, J., & Barnes, T. (2022). “A Band-Aid to a problem that’s going to be persistent”: The influence on social place attachment on rural residents’ perceptions of natural hazard relief efforts. Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction


Davis, C.R., Cannon, S.R., & Fuller, S.C. (2021). The storm after the storm: The long-term lingering impacts of hurricanes on schools. Disaster Prevention and Management.


Davis, C.R., Grooms, J., Ortega, A., Rubalcaba, J. (2020). Distance learning and parental mental health: Educational Researcher.*


Griffard, M., Davis, C.R., Fuller, S.C., & Bortot, C.C. (2020). What can educators expect when students return to school? AASA Journal of Scholarship & Practice, 77(9), 28-29. 


Cannon, C., Davis, C.R., & Fuller, S.C. (2020). Preparing for the next disaster: Understanding how hurricanes affect educators & schooling. AASA Journal of Scholarship & Practice.


Davis, C.R. (2017). Tracing the mobilization efforts of Freedmen and fearful Whites for “equal” schooling. Negro Education Review, 68(1-4), 6-29.


Davis, C.R. (2017). “Why are the Black kids always being suspended?” An examination of a school district's attempt to reform a faulty suspensions policy through community conversations. The School Community Journal, 27(1), 159-180.


*Each author contributed equally​

Lessons Learned? Helping Students and School Personnel Recover from Disaster | Research Counts, June 2019
On the road to routine : Disruption and recovery after hurricanes | Research Counts, June 2019
Research Products:
Below, I've included policy briefs and research summaries on my latest research products related to environmental disruptions in schooling communities. These resources are free to the public. If you have any questions about the content, research, or are interested in conducting a similar study in your area, feel free to email me and I will be happy to answer your questions. 



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